Meditation Courses in Kelowna...

Please Note: Sessions are available either in-person with physical distancing, or via live online classes...

Spiritual Awareness & Meditation (Level I)
On-going Courses: 6:30pm-9:00pm; 8 Week Series, $395 +gst

Experience yourself as spirit. Explore key tools such as centering, grounding, the aura, boundaries, chakras, emotions and many more. Learn to heal and empower your personal energy system through experiential learning and exercises. These useful tools form the foundation for daily practice and support spiritual awareness in everyday life.

This course is a pre-requisite for Spiritual Healing (Level II) and other Praxis programs.

Here are a just few of the many benefits offered in these energy-based spiritual courses...

Learn to be more present and grounded in your sense of Self. Release unwanted energies which create stress, confusion and unwellness.

Become aware of yourself and the world around you from centre. Know your own truth, release judgement and respond, rather than reacting to life.

Aura/Personal Space/Boundaries
Experience your own spiritual energy in the aura around your body. Heal yourself by defining personal boundaries, clearing unwanted energies and creating flow through your system.

Click registration for more info on the Meditation course located in Kelowna, BC.