Past Life Readings...
A Window into the Soul

Past life readings look at previous lifetimes you've experienced. These past experiences may still be affecting you--for better, or worse. Readings of past lives open a window for you to gain insight into the journey of your soul...

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If you're reading this page, chances are you've had many past lives. You've probably experienced being female and male, big and small, gay and straight, rich and poor, being in bodies of different skin colours... All these experiences are stored in and around your aura, your spiritual energy system.

past life readings
These past life experiences can still affect you in this lifetime. You probably know there are some things that feel familiar and easy to you. You might naturally be good at certain things, but you don't really know why or how you developed these gifts and abilities. A clear example is gifted children who can play the piano, solve math problems, or spell words beyond a level that could have been learned in this lifetime only.

On the other hand, you probably have certain fears or hang-ups--there are some things which disturb you which just can't be explained. For example, maybe you are afraid of having people walk behind you, even though it's never been a problem in this lifetime. Or maybe you're scared of dogs even though you've never been bitten.

These kinds of experiences from past lives can be carried through with you into this lifetime. Though most of us aren't conscious of it, past lives constantly affect us, for better or worse...

Depending what's going on in life, you will highlight different past life memories. For example, if you're traveling in India, you might highlight a past life in India. Or if you need to protect yourself, you might bring up a past life when you were a warrior. We draw on past life information all the time. Most of us are not aware of this process that goes on behind-the-scenes in our unconscious.

In a past life reading, the reader can open a window into the previous life experience. The past life reader can see who you were, where you were, what you were doing, who else was there, how you felt about what was going on, etc. It can be very meaningful and healing, to have someone else validate you in this way, as a soul-in-journey.

Often we need to work through more difficult past life experiences. If a lot of emotional baggage has been carried through from another lifetime, it can continue to create many problems in this life. For example--this is a true story, only the name will be changed--David was really stuck in life. He felt deeply sad and constantly believed he was being treated unfairly. Past life reading revealed the following...

...In another life he had been very poor, so had stolen a loaf of bread. He had been caught and sent to prison. He had spent the rest of that lifetime separated from his family and imprisoned...

It was a sad story of great injustice. After he realized the source of his deep sadness and this constant feeling that something was terribly unfair, he could begin the process of healing. He could cry for the injustice he had experienced, release that past life trauma and begin to validate all the benefits of his present life. In this current life he actually has a lot to be thankful for. He has plenty to eat, is surrounded by loved ones and lives in a much more just society.

Readings are rarely this heavy, but past life readings are particularly useful for addressing blocks and issues which don't make sense in terms of your present life. Once you identify the source of the issue, it is easier to work through, release the block and move on with life.

It is also interesting to find out who you've been in other lives. In readings there is usually time for a reader to look at a number of different lifetimes. It is amazing to become aware of how rich and varied our past experiences have been. We are like living libraries, full of all kinds of information...

Through past life readings, we can validate the journey of our souls. With past life insights, hopefully we break out of karmic cycles and empower ourselves to create new, healthier ways of being in the world.

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Find out more about reincarnation and karma, and clairvoyant readings in other pages which compliment Past Life Readings.

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