Chakra Meditation
Creating a Healthy Flow...

Chakra meditation develops awareness of your energy system. As you progress, you can gain deeper self-awareness, release major personal blocks, and connect with higher spiritual dimensions. Guided chakra meditation works with tools such as centering, grounding, the aura, energy channels, chakras, emotions and many more. It ideally compliments spiritual healing and psychic reading.

chakra meditation
Before you do this guided chakra meditation, you need to know how to center and ground. Before you do the Guided Chakra Meditation, be sure to do the Aura Meditation in How to Meditate.


Preparing the Space,
Preparing Yourself...

Find a quiet, comfortable place for yourself--where you will not be disturbed. Create a relaxing atmosphere. You may want to light a candle, burn incense, or play some quiet, soothing music in the background. Begin to relax in general. Take some deep breaths and perhaps do some light stretching. Sit upright in a comfortable position with an open posture.

Part I: Aura Meditation / Guided Meditation Chakra
Get yourself centered and grounded by doing the Aura Meditation in How to Meditate.

Notice how you experience yourself before doing the Chakra Meditation exercise. Then close your eyes and focus your attention inward...

Part II: Chakra Meditation...

1st / Root Chakra / Sacral Chakra…
Be aware of the area near the base of your spine. Start to open up your awareness of your first chakra. Allow your energy to flow through your first chakra from front to back. Your first chakra is your energy and information center for survival in the body. Release any unwanted energies that limit the flow of your first chakra down and out behind you. Allow your own energy to flow, healing and nourishing your first chakra...

2nd/Spleen Chakra...
Be aware of the area a few finger widths below your navel. Start to open up your awareness of your second chakra. Allow your energy to flow through your second chakra from front to back. Your second chakra is your energy and information center for emotionality, sexuality and gut feeling. Release unwanted energies that limit the flow of your second chakra down and out behind you. Allow your energy to flow, healing your second chakra...

3rd/Solar Plexus Chakra...
Be aware of the area around your solar plexus. Start to open up your awareness of your third chakra. Allow your energy to flow through your third chakra from front to back. Your third chakra is your information center for energy distribution and personal power. Release any unwanted energies that limit the flow of your third chakra down and out behind you. Allow your energy to flow, healing and nourishing your third chakra...

4th/Heart Chakra...
Be aware of the area in the center of your chest. Start to open up your awareness of your fourth chakra. Allow your energy to flow through your fourth chakra from front to back. Your fourth chakra is your energy and information center for love, validation and peace. Release any unwanted energies that limit the flow of your fourth chakra up and out behind you. Allow your own energy to flow, nourishing your fourth chakra...

5th/Throat Chakra...
Be aware of the area near the base of your neck and throat. Start to open up your awareness of your fifth chakra. Allow your energy to flow through your fifth chakra from front to back. Your fifth chakra is your energy and information center for communication and expression. Release any unwanted energies that limit the flow of your fifth chakra up and out behind you. Allow your own energy to flow, healing your fifth chakra...

6th/Third Eye Chakra...
Be aware of the area through the center of the forehead. Start to open up your awareness of your sixth chakra. Allow your energy to flow through your sixth chakra from front to back. Your sixth chakra is your energy and information center for clearseeing and clairvoyance. Release any unwanted energies that limit the flow of your sixth chakra up and out behind you. Allow your own energy to flow, healing and nourishing your sixth chakra...

7th/Crown Chakra...
Be aware of the area on top of your head. Start to open up your awareness of your seventh chakra. Allow your energy to flow through your seventh chakra from front to back. Your seventh chakra is your information center for knowingness...your ability to be still and know. Release any unwanted energies that limit the flow of your seventh chakra up and out of your space. Allow your own energy to flow, healing your seventh chakra...

Seven Chakras Together...
Take a moment to be aware of all your seven chakras working together. Notice the healing energy flowing in through the front of all of your chakras. Keep releasing any unwanted energies out the back of your space. Finish by centering and grounding...

When you feel ready, take a few deep breaths, gently open your eyes, and slowly begin to move. Notice how you experience yourself after doing the Chakra Meditation exercise. Give yourself some time to integrate this experience and enjoy being relaxed before moving on to other activities. (Especially after you first start practicing this meditation--you may want to journal, have a cup of tea, or go for a quiet walk.)

It is useful to practice this chakra meditation on a regular basis to heal and nourish your energy system.

Find out more about the seven chakras, chakra healing, chakra colors, or see a chakra chart in other pages which compliment Chakra Meditation.

Learn more about aura colors, aura cleansing, aura healing, aura reading and kundalini in Auras.

See more on meditation technique, guided meditation, daily meditation, and creative visualization in How to Meditate. Or visit other pages on this website...