Journaling Dreams...

Journaling dreams is an excellent tool to support the dream interpretation process. Dreams are constantly communicating valuable information to you...if you can remember them and...if you can interpret them...

Remembering Dreams
Journaling dreams is a very useful way to help remember dreams. It's easy to forget your dreams if you don't write them down while they're still fresh in your memory. In fact, the sooner you can write them down, the better. You're likely to remember more details as you wake up, and fewer details by the time you walk out the door. As the day goes on, often dreams gradually evaporate out of consciousness.

journaling dreams
Interpreting Dreams
Interpreting dreams can take a while. Often you won't have much time in the morning. But if can get a dream down on paper, then you can get back to interpreting it when you do have more time. Journaling dreams can make all the difference between getting a valuable piece of information and completely losing it. Even if you only get to interpret a dream a few days after...better late than never!


1. Get yourself a dream journal.
If you scratch down your dreams on scrap pieces of paper, or in general note pads, you'll be sure to lose them.

2. Get yourself a NICE dream journal.
Dreams contain valuable information. Honor your dreams. If you get a special book, you're more likely to make a point of using it, and keep using it...just for your dreams!

3. Keep your dream journal by your bedside.
There's no point in having a beautiful dream journal on a bookshelf where it never gets used. Keep it right by your bed, so you can easily grab it and use it.

4. Keep a PEN by your bedside.
There's no point in having a journal by your bed with no pen close at hand. Designate a pen for your bedside and make sure it stays with your dream journal!

5. Write as soon as you wake up.
You'll remember the most details as soon as you start waking up, so write dreams down as soon as possible. Also, if you wake up in the night remembering a dream, write it down ASAP.

6. Give your dreams catchy news headlines.
Give your dreams titles like news headlines so you can scan through your journal to find any dream you're looking for. If you don't have titles, you'll have to read through many dreams to see if they're the one you're looking for.

7. Write down your dream in present tense.
If you write down dreams in the present tense, they will feel more real and alive when you go to interpret them. If you write down dreams in the past tense, it will feel more distant and dried up.
(example: present tense = I am running, past tense = I was running -- makes it more animate, fresh and alive)

8. Date your dreams.
It can be very interesting to look back and see the dates when you had certain dreams. It is a meaningful way to review your spiritual journey. You may also be surprised how often you dream about themes before they actually happen in physical life.

9. Read your dreams back to yourself.
Even if you don't have time to do a full interpretation, often just quickly reading a dream back to yourself can be useful. Simply hearing yourself read the dream can often reveal some levels of meaning.

10. Learn basic dream interpretation tools.
Dreams are constantly communicating valuable information through the language of symbol. With basic tools to decode dream symbols, and with practice, you'll get better at decoding dream meanings.

The more you make a point of journaling dreams, talking about dreams, and learning about dreams, the richer your dream life will become.

Find out about dream interpretation, dream symbols, what dreams mean, and learn more tools for journaling dreams in Dream Meanings.

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